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Kyrie Oda & Love Hellgren



1/9  20.15 - 20.40

2/9  17.00 - 17.25

3/9  17.00 - 17.25



DAWN takes its starting point in the deeds of Chiune Sugihara. He was a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania during the Second World War. Against orders, he issued transit visas to refugees. With an abstract movement language the audience is brought on a journey that touches feelings and events from this period, but that are equally current today.


Chiune found solidarity with humanity, rather than nation or ethnicity. DAWN holds onto the light in the darkness.


Idea and choreography: Kyrie Oda

Dancers: Kyrie Oda & Love Hellgren


Costume: Irmantas Uvenkovas


Press the "Tickets button" to buy via Billetto.

Tickets are also available via Swish at the door. We are a cash free festival.


All ages
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