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A word from your Gothenburg Fringe team

Chris O'Reilly

Updated: Jun 8, 2020

Dear Fringe family,

We hope you’re staying well and safe during this trying time. There is no doubt that this is a brutal time for performance artists and the culture sector, but we will see the other side of it and make the most of our opportunities once the world is ready for us to get back on stage.

Given the current circumstances and uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, we are taking a cautious approach to the planning of Gothenburg Fringe 2020 at the moment. As things stand, we are going full steam ahead with preparations for the festival in its current form, but we are aware that alternative arrangements may need to be made.

We will not be stopped, however, and Gothenburg Fringe 2020 will take place in one of these forms:

1. Full festival as planned with local and international acts on 2-7 September

2. Reduced programme on 2-7 September with local acts and international artists will be invited to perform in smaller Fringe showcases – taking place between November 2020 and May 2021

Thankfully, time is still on our side. The organising team remain in constant communication and have agreed to make an informed decision at the end of May. Regardless of what happens, we will strive to ensure that the artists and our partners are not left behind and you will be coming to Gothenburg to perform sooner or later.

In the meantime, we’re working hard to bring this year’s festival to life. We’re in touch with selected artists and organising venues. There are more and more roles to be filled, so if you would like to be involved as a volunteer, go ahead and fill out a simple form here and we’ll be in touch.

Your Gothenburg Fringe team

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