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Live performing arts comes back to life at Gothenburg Fringe

Chris O'Reilly

We've been blown away by the support of the people of Gothenburg over the last few days as unprecedented numbers of people have visited shows across the weekend.

The support and interest shown by the audience and performers alike has shown that we took the right steps in creating a safe and enjoyable environment for all.

Just one day of Gothenburg Fringe 2020 remains and it's sure to be a blast, here's what you can enjoy today.

12:00 - Improv Workshop with Irina Wilder (Gathenhielmska huset - free to attend)

16:00 - Opus 5 (Gathenhielmska huset - SOLD OUT) 17:00 - Prekarietet (Teater Trixter - tickets available)

18:00 - OFELIA 2.0 (Gathenhielmska huset - SOLD OUT)

18:00 - Mask and Man (Kulturtemplet - SOLD OUT)

18:30 - Draft Zero (Kvartersscenen 2LÃ¥ng - tickets available)

18:30 - Fragment (Hagateatern - tickets available) 20:00 - World Dance Company ExPro Stage (Teater Trixter - tickets available)

Drömduo were due to perform Dreamcatcher at 21:30 today, but have had to cancel due to one of the group feeling unwell. Those who bought tickets will be offered a free refund and there will be another chance to see them perform on 18 September at GBGimpro.

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