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Shows Powered by Women at Gothenburg Fringe (Part I)

Khaled ElSamman

In my second article guiding us through this year’s Gothenburg Fringe programme, shows that are performed, created or driven by women are in the spotlight.

The Gothenburg Fringe team always considers fair representation for all genders, but unfortunately, this is not the case in the global arts and culture industry, especially when factoring in the massive pay inequality at all levels.

So here is a list highlighting some awesome shows by great artists you can attend this year.

Jazzfåglar (Jazz Birds in English) is a performance that explores authentic jazz dance style and music performed by My Gren, Lisa Holstrøm and Pauliina Pantsu of Kollektivet Jazzfåglar. As the name suggests, the trio explores the relationship between jazz music and birds. As a jazz enthusiast myself, I am so excited about this show, especially after checking out their smooth jazz dance moves in a clip from a performance in Norway. I left a link to it along with their socials below.

Information, showtimes and tickets:

A dynamic interpretive scenographic show by the contemporary dance duo

Rannhvi Mebius Jormin and Amélie Rochof of the Yellow Jacket Collective. They will take the audience on a journey to a yellow universe where ideas of humanity, friendship and vulnerability will be explored through dancing.

A touching solo performance about the sense of dislocation, survival, alienation and antisemitism premiering at the Gothenburg Fringe Festival this year. It is written and performed by the award-winning Valerie David, a badass super-heroine and 3-time cancer survivor, and directed by the acclaimed Maris Heller. The show is not Valerie’s first solo. She wrote and performed The Pink Hulk: One Woman's Journey to Find the Superhero Within, which received glowing reviews and multiple awards.

Information, showtimes and tickets:

A poet, a musician, a dancer and a visual artist questions Swedish colonialism in Sápmi. A show about language, identity and the sense of self.

Biejvvelådde invites the viewer to accompany Timimie Gassko Märak in both thoughts and feelings on the journey towards language. Not finding the words. Not feeling good enough. Not even daring to try. With BIEJVVELÅDDE, Tim wants to take us past the barrier of everything we have to pretend to be to find what we actually want.

Biejvvelådde is choreographed by Gabriella Rooth, visuals by Regina Steen Berglund, and the music by Axel Olle Sigurd Andersson of Pandemic Productions AB.

A whip-cracking, dance and comedy show by Sophie Ammann. It is Sophie’s third project after the success of her “scorched” and “sink” shows.

Sophie will also run a whip-cracking workshop during the festival! Find details in the links below.

An interactive one-woman show by the talented Romanian artist Ana Turos that tackles questions on childhood and adulthood.

Performed in Swedish and English, it’s perfect for kids who wish they grew up sooner and for parents who haven't lost their inner child.

An inclusive and accessible theatre piece that celebrates children’s imagination by three boss-women Nikki, Ellen & Anna-Jackelin of DHMJ - Det Här är Mitt Jobb productions. The performance is movement-based, which makes it available to everyone regardless of what language they do/do not speak. It explores the notions of isolation and loneliness as well as imagination, friendship and play.

I hope you get to watch as many of these as you can and wait for part II of this amazing list.

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